

放大字体  缩小字体 2020-01-10 00:47:53  阅读:6479+ 来源:自媒体 作者:天学网

原标题:独家 | 2020年1月浙江学考选考英语听力真题&解析





1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a zoo.

B. In a library.

C. In a drugstore.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Change some money.

B. Take the food home.

C. Sit and eat his meal.

3. What does the woman suggest?

A. Buying a computer.

B. Hiring an assistant.

C. Starting a business.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The weather.

B. The scenery.

C. The traffic.

5. When did the man see the film?

A. On Wednesday.

B. On Thursday.

C. On Saturday.




6. Who is the newcomer?

A. David Cook.

B. Joey Sanders.

C. Liam Neeson.

7. What is the newcomer’s position in the company?

A. He is a film director.

B. He is a program manager.

C. He is a department head.


8. What does the woman do?

A. She’s a secretary.

B. She’s a hotel maid.

C. She’s a salesperson.

9. What is the man going to do?

A. Change the sheets.

B. Have breakfast.

C. Meet his friends.

10. What does the man ask the woman to do at the end of the conversation?

A. Take the plate away.

B. Bring some towels.

C. Turn on the light.


11. Why does Jessica make the call?

A. To look for her passport.

B. To apply for a credit card.

C. To ask for the manager.

12. Where will Jessica go right after the phone call?

A. The bank.

B. Her home.

C. The supermarket.

13. How does the man sound?

A. Helpful.

B. Nervous.

C. Surprised.


14. What is the man doing?

A. Placing an order.

B. Selling insurance.

C. Conducting an interview.

15. What did Leaney study for a degree?

A. Finance.

B. Education.

C. Public Relations.

16. What is an advantage of a smaller business according to Leaney?

A. Greater contributions to the neighborhood.

B. Closer employer-employee relationship.

C. More flexibility in providing services.

17. What is Leaney’s plan for the next two weeks?

A. To visit her parents.

B. To call her relatives.

C. To finish her work.


18. What is the purpose of the talk?

A. To present a prize.

B. To introduce a lecturer.

C. To recommend a book.

19. Where is Russell working now?

A. In Oxford.

B. In Chicago.

C. In Virginia.

20. What does Russell think of sleep?

A. It’s seldom studied.

B. It’s just a waste of time.

C. It’s of great importance.


1-5 BCBAB 6-10 BCBCA

11-15 ABACA 16-20 CABAC





Text 1 借书;39词

W: So, you need some information on animal cells? Check the top shelf and you may find what you want.

M: Oh, I see. May I borrow one for a day or two?

W: Sorry. The reference books are not for lending.

1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a zoo.

B. In a library.

C. In a drugstore.

【解析】推理判别题。依据男人的话“May I borrow one for a day or two?”和女士的话“The reference books are not for lending.”可知,对话很或许发生在图书馆中,故选B。


Text 2 点餐;26词

M: I’d like a chicken roll, an order of fries and a chocolate shake.

W: For here or to go?

M: I’ll eat here, and here is 20 dollars.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Change some money.

B. Take the food home.

C. Sit and eat his meal.

【解析】推理判别题。依据男人的话“I’ll eat here”可知,男人挑选堂食,所以接下来他会坐在店里吃饭,故选C。

【指点】“For here or to go?”是餐厅场景下常见的表达,意为“堂食仍是打包带走?”

Text 3 事务发展迅速;23词

M: I think we should replace that old computer.

W: Hmm…the old computer… Why not get an assistant too? Our business is growing fast.

3. What does the woman suggest?

A. Buying a computer.

B. Hiring an assistant.

C. Starting a business.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“why not get an assistant too”可知,女士主张招个助理,故选B。

【指点】Why not do…或许Why don’t you/we do…(为何不……)是一种提主张的常用句型。另,原文中的get在正确选项中转述成了hire。

Text 4 劲风天;31词

W: Oh, another windy day! It’s dusty everywhere and I can hardly see anything. It must be dangerous to drive on such days.

M: Yes. It has been like this for a week.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The weather.

B. The scenery.

C. The traffic.


Text 5 看电影;32词

W: Did you see the film on Wednesday?

M: No, I went on Thursday night. Did you, on Wednesday?

W: I was going to, but couldn’t make it. I think I’ll go on Saturday night.

5. When did the man see the film?

A. On Wednesday.

B. On Thursday.

C. On Saturday.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“I went on Thursday night.”可知,男人周四晚上看了那场电影,故选B。

【要点词句】make it:可以到会(或参与)

Text 6 公司新搭档;71词

W: Hey, Michael. Did you hear about the newcomer?

M: Who?

W: We girls just call him Liam Neeson, because he looks so much like him from the film Schindler’s List.

M: Oh, you mean Joey Sanders? He’s the new head of the marketing department.

W: Is he? I thought he was in your department, taking David Cook’s place in charge of the M103 Program.

M: As a matter of fact, I’m heading the M103 Program now.

6. Who is the newcomer?

A. David Cook.

B. Joey Sanders.

C. Liam Neeson.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“Did you hear about the newcomer?”和下文男人的答复“Oh, you mean Joey Sanders?”可知,新来者是Joey Sanders,故选B。

7. What is the newcomer’s position in the company?

A. He is a film director.

B. He is a program manager.

C. He is a department head.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“Oh, you mean Joey Sanders? He’s the new head of the marketing department.”可知,新来者的职位是部分主管,故选C。

Text 7 酒店服务;117词

W: May I come in, sir?

M: Yes, thanks for coming so quickly.

W: Certainly, sir. How can I help you?

M: I’d like some fresh towels in the bathroom.

W: I’ll get them immediately. Would you like me to also change the sheets?

M: Excellent. Oh, by the way, I can never find the light switch when I get back in the evening.

W: I’ll make sure to leave the lamp on after I finish cleaning up.

M: That’s good to hear. Well, it’s time for me to see my friends.

W: Enjoy your day, sir.

M: Oh, I will. Just a second, could you also take out the plate with this morning’s breakfast?

W: Yes, sir. I’ll take it with me when I finish tidying up.

8. What does the woman do?

A. She’s a secretary.

B. She’s a hotel maid.

C. She’s a salesperson.


【指点】解题的要害在于捉住几个要点词:“fresh towels”,“change the sheets”,“light switch”及“cleaning up”等,这些词都与酒店休戚相关。

9. What is the man going to do?

A. Change the sheets.

B. Have breakfast.

C. Meet his friends.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“Well, it’s time for me to see my friends.”可知,男人要去见朋友,故选C。


10. What does the man ask the woman to do at the end of the conversation?

A. Take the plate away.

B. Bring some towels.

C. Turn on the light.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“could you also take out the plate with this morning’s breakfast?”可知,男人想让女士拿走早餐的盘子,故选A。

【指点】take out the plate同义转述为take the plate away。

Text 8找回丢掉的物品;172词

M: Mega Bank Services. Good morning.

W: Ah, good morning. My name is Jessica Mégane. I was in your bank earlier this morning. And I’m wondering if I dropped my passport while I was there. Has anybody found a passport by any chance?

M: Hold on a moment. I’ll check for you. Hello?

W: Hello.

M: Yes. One of our customers has just handed in a passport.

W: Oh, thank goodness for that.

M: When exactly did you lose your passport?

W: Oh, I didn’t notice until about half an hour ago. But I was in the bank at about 9:30 this morning.

M: Have you lost anything else?

W: Anything else? No, I don’t think I have.

M: Something you used in the bank?

W: Oh, my goodness! My credit card is gone as well.

M: Yes, you left your credit card on the counter.

W: Now I’m in the supermarket. I’ll come and pick them up after I’ve taken the shopping home.

M: That’ll be fine. Remember to bring some photo identification with you.

W: OK. See you in a moment and thanks.

M: See you later.

11. Why does Jessica make the call?

A. To look for her passport.

B. To apply for a credit card.

C. To ask for the manager.

【解析】推理判别题。依据女士的话“And I’m wondering if I dropped my passport while I was there. Has anybody found a passport by any chance?”可知,女士打电话是为了寻觅自己的护照,故选A。

【要点词句】by any chance:或许,或许


12. Where will Jessica go right after the phone call?

A. The bank.

B. Her home.

C. The supermarket.

【解析】推理判别题。依据女士的话“Now I’m in the supermarket. I’ll come and pick them up after I’ve taken the shopping home.”可知,女士在去银行取丢掉的物品之前要先将购买的东西放回家,所以打完电话之后她首先是要回家,故选B。这一题的三个选项出现在严密相连的两句话中,极具搅扰。

13. How does the man sound?

A. Helpful.

B. Nervous.

C. Surprised.


【要点词句】photo identification:带有相片的身份证明

Text 9 电话面试;216词

M: Hello, can I speak to Miss Leaney?

W: This is Leaney. May I know who’s calling?

M: I’m Adam Watt from the Seven Star Insurance Company. Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.

W: Oh, sure, Mr. Watt. Please go ahead.

M: You’ve got a degree in finance. Why did you apply for this job?

W: I read the job description and discovered a few interesting programs that I’d like to be a part of. They’re challenging yet rewarding. Just the sort of things I consider to fit me best.

M: I see. But given your educational background, wouldn’t you want to work for some bigger companies?

W: I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings. In a small company, we can provide our customers with the exact service that they need. By doing this, we can form a closer relationship with our customers as if they were our neighbors or relatives.

M: That’s very interesting. When will you be available for employment?

W: In two weeks. I’ve promised my parents a ten-day visit. I can start work immediately after I’m back.

M: Great. I will call you back in a couple of days about our final decision.

W: Okay. Thank you very much.

14. What is the man doing?

A. Placing an order.

B. Selling insurance.

C. Conducting an interview.

【解析】推理判别题。依据男人的话“Thank you for your interest in our company. I need some more information from your side.”以及后边的三个问题“Why did you apply for this job?”“wouldn’t you want to work for some bigger companies?”以及“When will you be available for employment?”可知,男人正在进行面试,故选C。

【要点词句】apply for:请求

15. What did Leaney study for a degree?

A. Finance.

B. Education.

C. Public Relations.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“You’ve got a degree in finance.”可知,Leaney拿到了金融学位,故选A。

16. What is an advantage of a smaller business according to Leaney?

A. Greater contributions to the neighborhood.

B. Closer employer-employee relationship.

C. More flexibility in providing services.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“I prefer smaller companies to bigger ones, because a smaller business has the ability to be more flexible in its service offerings.”可知,女士以为小企业的优势是在供给服务方面愈加灵敏,故选C。

【指点】service offerings 同义转述为providing services。

17. What is Leaney’s plan for the next two weeks?

A. To visit her parents.

B. To call her relatives.

C. To finish her work.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“When will you be available for employment?”以及女士的话“In two weeks. I’ve promised my parents a ten-day visit.”可知,女士在接下来的两周内要去探望爸爸妈妈,故选A。

【要点词句】a ten-day visit:为期十天的探望

【指点】留意visit的词性改变。对话中的visit是名词词性,而选项To visit her parents中visit是动词词性。

Text 10 介绍睡觉研讨专家;154词

W: “Sleep is of the dead.” “Sleep is a criminal waste of time.” That’s not me talking. That’s two famous people, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison. But tonight we have an equally well-known person who disagrees with such ideas. He is Russell Foster. He’s one of this country’s leading scientists in sleep studies and the free thinking lecturer of the year. Russell is a man who thinks deeply and sleeps deeply, and he wants us to stop seeing sleep as an inconvenience, something to be gotten through; a man who wants us to take sleep as the most important behavioral experience that we have. Russell has been doing this research for decades at the University of Virginia, Chicago, and now at Oxford. But his work also takes him beyond the lab. Through videos and popular books, Russell has become a public speaker for sleep. And tonight’s lecture is about his research. Please welcome Russell Foster.

18. What is the purpose of the talk?

A. To present a prize.

B. To introduce a lecturer.

C. To recommend a book.

【解析】推理判别题。依据独白中“But tonight we have an equally well-known person who disagrees with such ideas. He is Russell Foster. He’s one of this country’s leading scientists in sleep studies and the free thinking lecturer of the year.”及下文对Russell Foster的具体介绍可知,这篇讲演的意图是介绍一位讲演者(Russell Foster),故选B。

19. Where is Russell working now?

A. In Oxford.

B. In Chicago.

C. In Virginia.

【解析】现实细节题。依据独白中“Russell has been doing this research for decades at the University of Virginia, Chicago, and now at Oxford.”可知,Russell现在在牛津作业,故选A。

20. What does Russell think of sleep?

A. It’s seldom studied.

B. It’s just a waste of time.

C. It’s of great importance.

【解析】观念情绪题。独白最初说话者引用了Benjamin Franklin和Thomas Edison两位名人对睡觉的消沉观念,随后引出Russell对这种观念不赞成的情绪,及下文中说话者直接论述Russell的观念“…stop seeing sleep as an inconvenience, something to be gotten through”“…take sleep as the most important behavioral experience that we have”可知,Russell并不以为睡觉是浪费时刻的,反而觉得是人们最重要的行为体会,故选C。

【要点词句】Russell is a man who thinks deeply and sleeps deeply, and he wants us to stop seeing sleep as an inconvenience, something to be gotten through; a man who wants us to take sleep as the most important behavioral experience that we have.




