

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-12-30 18:05:23  阅读:9734+ 来源:自媒体 作者:X Studio留学工作室


12月,许多校园陆陆续续release了EA 和 EDⅠ的选取效果。关于拿到offer和拒信的学生这时分无论是欢欣仍是绝望,效果都是很清晰的,可是有一部分学生则面临着一个中心地带两难的境况,便是被延期,没有被选取,可是也不是直接被拒绝了,仍是有期望的。尽管从理论上讲,延期仅仅校园将学生的请求推延到了惯例选取请求池中,与 RD 请求者们再次被查核。可是ED的校园一般都是咱们的dream school,咱们必定期望拼尽全力去增加咱们的选取机率的。那咱们这时分能够做什么呢?


1. 早申人数增加导致比赛加大

2. 标化分数低,尽管早请求的选取标化分数一般略低一些,可是为了加大选取机率,主张要和其他比赛者至少相等

3. 对GPA有必定的疑问,期望再官网下12年级上的效果,

4. 活动比较弱,没有展示自己的性情或许爱好

5. 文书上略单薄


1. 前进效果,假如有或许,从头参与考试。因为被延期的要素之一或许是标化效果没 PK 过同期请求者。因而,你们能够在11月或许12月参与一次SAT考试,或许是托福,SAT 2等,针对自己的状况看下自己哪部分比较单薄,就赶快预备去考一次相应的考试。

2. 12年级上mid-year的GPA必定要至少坚持好,假如能够更高的话那就更好了, 一起这时分假如能够在课程难度前进一步应战自己,或许是修了和自己请求学科爱好相关的课程,那就更好了,

3. 在感爱好的领域中寻求含金量更高的比赛、课外活动等,可是有一点便是必需求分外留意合理性,假如是刚defer就呈现一个新的论文宣布,那其实是不太合理的,因为论文的宣布一般至少需求6个月,那除非是之前的research出了新的效果。

4. 请教师再写一封推荐信。假如你的整个学期都从事了某项研讨或活动,那么请教师再写一封也是适宜的。不过这项提议树立在你的教师乐意帮你写的状况下,牢记不要对教师和招生办公室施加任何压力。或许是你做了什么其他的工作,比方你的优势是你的志愿者活动,那就能够请志愿者活动的负责人帮你写一封推荐信。

5. 最重要的一点!在 1 月中旬之前提交一封延期信。这是一个为自己辩解的时机,但重要的工作说三遍,不要施加压力,不要施加压力,不要施加压力。


Dear Admission Officer,

This is XX(姓名) (Reference number: XX), applicant for Fall 2019 admission. I was deferred by Babson to the RD round. Disappointed but still hopeful, I would like to take this letter as a second opportunity to express my sincere wish to join the Babson community, which has always been my first choice. Since the submission of my application materials, I have made several exciting achievements and developed new hobbies which I would like to share with the admissions committee.

First of all, my independent research project, XXX, has had a breakthrough, which has been collected by CPCI and can be indexed by ICHSAM; ISSN: XXX. For your reference, I have attached the acceptance letter and my research paper in this email. My research investigated various factors which affected oil stock prices, the quantitative analysis of different data models, and the situation of the international market; all the knowledge and skills I acquired have widened my academic horizons, preparing me for future intellectual exploration at the college level.

I am extremely fascinated by the sophistication, diversity and adventurous excitement of business and entrepreneurship, and my understanding and appreciation of it has deepened through my efforts with my online shoe business alongside my friends this past summer, during which I was exposed to the real world of business and took part in discussion sessions with numerous entrepreneurs. The amount I have grown in such a short time is impressive. As I stated in my essay, my failures have endowed me with a more mature and practical perspective to think about business management. This perspective reminds me not only how long I have travelled on my way to become a business leader of creativity and efficiency, but also how far I still have to go. So I would like to update the current situation of our company. The European business experience has shown me that a company shouldn't only focus on profit. Even though our company is in the start-up phase, I want to find a way to connect our work to a greater purpose. I am working with my co-founders to increase the impact of our work. For every pair of shoes sold, I would like us to donate 5 dollars to Soles4Souls, a non-profit that works to eradicate poverty around the world. As our company expands, I hope to find new ways to contribute to social causes.

My non-academic adventure has been extremely diverse recently. This semester, I have acted as a model for two charity fashion shows created by student designers, during which my understanding of the power of art has significantly deepened. Before, art was just for personal expression, but this experience has demonstrated to me the unlimited potential of visual arts for helping others and initiating change in the real world. Also, with the recognition of the importance of contributing to society, I found a new way to help others and strive to have an impact on other’s life.

Also, you may notice my performance during the first semester of Grade 12 is not as good as before. Here, I intend not to make excuses, but to explain some of the circumstances not reflected in my transcript. Unfortunately, towards the end of the semester, I suffered from physical pain caused by allergy and bowel issues. Despite medical visits, I was unable recover in time. I went into exams affected by fever and behind from having missed many classes. I want to assert that the grade does not reflect my regular academic performance—I am eager to contribute greatly to Babson through my serious approach to coursework, research, and extracurricular activities, and humbly request you to consider the circumstances surrounding my particular grades. Right now, I cannot wait to fight for my dream and apply to renowned Babson because I know I am capable of succeeding there.

Babson, an excellent school fosters numerous excellent entrepreneurs with its abundant educational resources and business support, would provide the solid foundation on my way to become a mature future businessman. Regardless of the final result, I am grateful that applying to Babson has given me the opportunity to reflect on my life, and understand my own strengths and weaknesses. Again, I hope that you could consider me as a candidate for Babson’s Class of 2023, for I am ready to become my better self and contribute to the university as well as to the world.

Sincerely yours,






语调、语法和风格非常的从容不迫,没有表现出自卑或自负。牢记,写延期信的意图是展示前进了的自己,不是去质疑招生人员的查核才能。别的你的前进假如仅仅GPA 提升了一两点,SAT 上升了 10分 这种就不要写延期信了。不过你能够把GPA上的前进去说成学术上的前进,比方你上了什么课,这门课给你怎样样的生长。

那有的学生说我其实没什么更新的内容,那这时分能够去看一下其时的请求资料,有什么缺失的,比方X 君之前有学生请求UCI的时分被延期,咱们知道加州请求没有why school的文书,因为该学生暂时没有能够更新的内容,我就给学生写了一篇why school的文书,具体讲了在该校我能够做什么,咱们是怎样match的,最终该学生也是成功的被转正选取了。

尽管不是 defer 都能够转正,可是咱们必定要合理的测验去增加自己的选取机率,期望这篇文章能够在必定程度上协助到咱们,祝咱们转正成功,有更多相关的问题你们能够私信咨询咱们。


