

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-12-15 16:29:24  阅读:7397+ 来源:自媒体 作者:Englishrise

原标题:【365天自律生长英语笔记】 DAY 122-On Making Agreements With Yourself

Making Agreements

Agreements you make with yourself: When you make an agreement and you don’t keep it, you

undermine your own self-trust. —Roy Baumeister

I strive to value the agreements I make with myself as much as the ones I make with other people. The reason is simple: just like when you lose the trust of another person when you fail to keep your promise, so you lose your trust of yourself when you don’t keep an agreement that you made with yourself.

Without self-trust, it’s impossible to have the self-discipline and self-confidence to achieve big goals and change your life. Your doubts will nag at you and you’ll sabotage yourself because, deep down, you’ll believe that you can’t trust yourself anyway.

Whenever you make commitments with yourself, honor them just like you honor the word you give to other people, if not more. If you frequently betray yourself, you’ll make it harder and harder to rebuild trust with yourself, and soon, it will take many months of consistent wins before you get to regain self-trust.

Your brain rewires itself according to your repeated actions, and if you teach it to expect that you go back on your word, it will get better at exactly that skill: backing out of your agreements.

【365天自律生长英语笔记】 DAY 122-On Making Agreements With Yourself

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