

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-11-06 14:38:31  阅读:5670+ 作者:责任编辑NO。蔡彩根0465


课题:Look at Me


1. 常识技术方针

a. 能听、说、认读 friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和词组。

b. 能听懂、会说 I have a friend. He/She is .... He/She has .... 并能在实践情形中运用。

c. 学会用恰当的描绘词描绘身边的同学、朋友等。

2. 情感文明方针

a. 协助学生娴熟学习自信心,养成杰出的学习习气。

b. 培育学生的协作才能,活泼运用所学言语表达和沟通,教育学生要团结友爱,与人和谐共处。


1. 学习、把握词汇、词组,并能娴熟运用。

2. 凭借图片、体态语等协助学生了解词句。


课前 Sing a song.

T: Do you want to be my friend?


Step 1. Revision/Warm-up

1. Greetings!

T: Hello, everyone! I'm your new teacher, Miss Yan. Let's be good friends, OK?

Boys and girls, follow me. Friends, friends, good friends!(拍手并与学生击掌)

(经过教师的毛遂自荐和 Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的间隔。带领悉数挥挥手,拍拍手,活泼气氛,调集学生学习的活泼性。一同教育了 friends,清晰了主题。)

2. (Blackboard drawing)

T: Your new friend, Miss Yan likes drawing. What's this? Guess please.(eyes nose mouth)

I have a big mouth. I have two big eyes. What about you?

3. T: Oh, you have a round face. Me too! I have a round face. I have two big eyes. Please chant with me.

T: I have a round face.

Ss: Round, round, round.

T: I have two big eyes.

Ss: Big, big, big.

T: I have a small nose.

Ss: Small, small, small.

T: I have a big mouth.

Ss: Big, big, big.

Let's chant together.

(教师一笔一笔地画,学生猜。设置有信息差的 Guessing game,鼓舞学生发散思想,让学生依据已有言语常识自在发挥。在游戏中翻滚温习了有关五官的单词。引出“I have ....”句型,让学生简略讲讲自己的五官。再就教师为例协作完结 chant,换种方式温习已有言语常识,为下面的新授奠定根底,方式多样有实效。)

Step 2. Presentation

1. Presentation of the new words

(1) T: Oh, shehe has atwo....

板书:HeShe has atwo....

(2) (Point to a girl's hair.) She has long hair.

(Point to a boy's hair.) He has short hair.

Let the students repeat: long /short hair

板书:He/She has long/short hair.


2. Practice

(1) T: Look at your classmates. What about his or her hair? He/She has….

(2) My friend

T: She has long hair. He has short hair. How about my friend? He has short hair. How about his face. A round face or a long face? Can you guess?

(CAI) A round face, a long face, a small mouth, a big mouth, a long nose, a big nose, two big eyes, two small eyes, short hair, long hair.... He has.... (Ss guess—He has....)

最终拼成: A long face, a small mouth, a long nose, two big eyes and short hair.

(引导学生自在讲话,练习句型。经过重复说此类语句协助学生理解 He/She 要用 has。CAI 出现各式各样有特征的器官图,先请学生来描绘这些有特征的器官。再请学生用“He has....” 句型来描绘。依据同学们说的把各个部位拼完好。经过拼图游戏,使练习不单调,培育了学生说的才能。既到达教育效果又影响学生的学习爱好。)

3. Presentation of the new words

(1) T: Is he funny? He is my funny friend, Peter.

He has long neck, long arms, long body and long legs. He is very thin.

Teach: thin板书:thin

(2) Thin, thin, Peter is thin.

Thin, thin, He is thin.

Thin, thin, she is thin.

Thin, thin, who is thin?

(3) T: You are too thin. Please eat more and make yourself strong.

Teach: strong板书:strong

Act: I'm strong.

(CAI 逐个出现身体的部位,最终拼凑成一个完好的瘦瘦的男孩形象,教育新单词。将单词与句型相结合,放到详细的语境中进行练习。经过动作扮演学习单词,生动有用。)

4. We are strong now. But I am short. I want to make myself tall. Tall, tall, tall.... Let's do together.

Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall.

Short, short, short! Make yourself short.

Big, big, big! Make your eyes big.

Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.

Long, long, long! Make your arms long.

Short, short, short! Make your arms short.

Thin, thin, thin! Make yourself thin.

Strong, strong, strong! Make yourself strong.


Step 3. Practice

1. Friends show

(1) T: OK, friends. Make ourselves strong and happy everyday. So does Peter. He is a boy. He is thin. He has short hair. He has a long face. He has two big eyes. He has a long nose. He has a small mouth.

(教师做演示,用所学言语常识介绍 Peter。再带领学生一同来描绘 Peter。由简略的语句过渡到一小段话,词不离句,句不离篇,由易及难,层层递近。)

(2) T: This is my funny friend. I like him. Do you like him? Do you want a funny friend? OK, please come and make a funny face. Then tell us your funny friend.

This is my friend. HeShe is a girlboy.

He She has_____ hair.

He She has a _____ face.

He She has two _____ eyes.

He She has a _____ nose.

He She has a ______ mouth.

(教师预备一些形态万千的脸、眼、鼻、嘴图片,请学生恣意选择拼成一张 funny face,再用所学的句型向全班进行介绍。拼一拼,说一说,趣味十足,牢牢招引了学生的注意力,再次进行练习,愈加强了学习的实用性。)

Step 4. Consolidation & Extension

1. Animal friend

T: Oh, you have some funny friends. And I have another funny friend. Who's he? Let's find out. He is strong and fat. He has two big eyes. He has a big tail. He likes eating. He’s very lazy(懒散).

Garfield. He's Garfield.

(CAI 出现一段话和几只猫(机器猫、加菲猫、Kitty 猫、Tom 猫),让学生经过阅览来找一找,培育了学生读的才能。再次稳固新知,一同设置小小的悬念活泼讲堂气氛。)

2. Story time

T: This is my animal friend, Garfield. But he is crying. What's wrong? He can't find his friend. Some animals are coming to help him. Let's watch.


(CAI)Story show

Mouse: Am I your friend?

Garfield: Oh, sorry. He is big and strong.

Panda: I’m big and strong. Am I your friend?

Garfield: Oh, sorry. He has small eyes.

Rabbit: I have small eyes. Am I your friend?

Garfield: Oh, sorry. He has big ears.

Monkey: I have big ears. Am I your friend?

Garfield: Oh, sorry. He has a short tail.

Pig: I have a short tail. Am I your friend?

Garfield: Oh, sorry. He has a long nose.

Mouse, Panda, Rabbit, Monkey, Pig: Who’s he?


Watch the storyRead the story(follow the CAI) act with T(分人物)Group workAct it out


3. Song“ Friends” CAI

T:Wow, lovely animals! Do you like them? We should love animals and make friends with them. Let's be good friends forever. Thank you. Bye!




本课时首要学习身体部位的单词,以及要求学生能用This is …来介绍身体部位。教师使用自己的身体部位以及单词卡片、猜谜语等多种方式引出要点单词和要点句型,接着用肢体言语和辅佐动作来学习“Let’s do”中的动词,在学习“Let’s do”的一同稳固单词,边做边说,加强了学习效果。



