

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-10-04 15:08:07  阅读:1475+ 来源:自媒体 作者:孔子学院.

原标题:礼赞70年 | 加深了解,推进中美两国友爱沟通





My name is John Brender and I have been director of the Confucius Institute (CI) at Wayne State University (WSU) since 2008. As director of a CI, I provide programming and events for various audiences, being mindful of our community, its needs, and interests.I also have the pleasure of bringing many people together, often in meaningful and significant ways.

Having been a volunteer at the Michigan Japanese Quiz Bowl, I launched an annual Michigan China Quiz Bowl for middle and high school students. Although Quiz Bowl is a time- intensive and challenging endeavor, I am proud to have offered this catalyst since 2009 for many hundreds of students, who, perhaps as a result, have taken their Chinese to a higher level!

Having been a foreigner in Japan, I understand the isolation experienced by many Chinese teachers in our area and quickly founded an annual conference for them. Our CI has now sponsored eleven such conferences with 100-120 attendees each year. The event provides a venue to exchange ideas, advice, and encouragement—and to hear language-learning tips from students!

In 2011, my staff and I decided to shoot a series of short videos, spotlighting Chinese idioms. In each video, a Chinese speaker and a curious learner discuss a phrase, model the pronunciation, and provide an opportunity to repeat it. The“Learn a Chinese Phrase”video series now offers 130 videos, touts 160,000 views, and has been seen in over 120 countries. We were selected as one of the top ten free Chinese video series of 2015 by Appbrain2 and on rare occasions, we are even stopped for selfies!

Other programming includes K-12 outreach visits, summer camps, study abroad programs, adult outreach programs, weekly lectures, speech contests, etc. As an educator, I am thrilled to provide so many learning opportunities to my community.

My greatest satisfaction is seeing the relationships that have come about through our CI.Many students, volunteers, and Chinese graduate assistants have kept in touch with us and many more have kept up with each other. We have social media to thank, but the efforts to visit one another and share milestones have transformed many former students, staff members and volunteers into not just friends but surrogate family members!

Our retired volunteers have often welcomed our Chinese assistants into their homes and taken them on excursions. One couple in their 70's, known as“yéye”(爷爷) and“năinai”(奶奶), is preparing for their second trip to Europe, where they will visit with former assistants in England and France. Another couple traveled to China last year, and met with former assistants in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Xi'an! Our students who study or work in Wuhan have ready-made networks and we have even joked about starting an“Americantown”there!

I keep in touch with many former assistants and visit them, along with WSU students, when I am in Wuhan and other places. I have written many letters of recommendation and spoken with recruiters on their behalf. While my personal accomplishments are limited, I take solace in seeing our assistants blossom during their time with us. Some have gone on to graduate schools in China, the US, and the UK; some have become highly effective teachers of Chinese; and some have taken on impressive positions at companies such as Alibaba, JD.COM, China Mobile, China Resources, and Capital Airlines.

In sum, I am happy to have helped Americans and non-Chinese people learn about China and help Chinese learn about the U.S. I have learned a lot and presented my research at Chinese and American universities. More than anything, I believe in the power of bringing people together as a way to broaden our thinking and minimize our prejudices.

When my Chinese director and I were young, the US and China had no diplomatic relations. In our respective countries, we learned to fear one another and to treat each other’s values with suspicion and disdain. Now that we have been exposed to each other’s country and have brought many Americans and Chinese to do the same, I have hope that future generations will better think for themselves, and hopefully become less subject to the agendas of powerful and sometimes exploitative forces.

我叫卞约翰(John Brender),自2008年以来一向担任美国伟恩州立大学孔子学院的院长。作为孔院院长,我为社区集体供给各类方案与文化活动。我很快乐能以有意义的方法把许多人衔接在一同。


我曾为密歇根日语常识比赛(Michigan Japanese Quiz Bowl)做过志愿者,后来我发起了专门面向初中和高中生的年度密歇根汉语常识比赛(Michigan China Quiz Bowl)。




现在,“学习汉语短语”(Learn a Chinese Phrase)视频系列共有130个视频,总观看量达16万次,在120多个国家/区域播映。咱们曾当选AppBrain2的2015年十大免费汉语视频系列,乃至偶然会有人拦下咱们来张自拍照!














John Brender is Director of the Confucius Institute at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He has taught Spanish, Japanese, English, linguistics, and language teaching methods. He has also worked as a corporate trainer. His research has focused largely on international and ethnic student identity at North American universities.


