

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-10-02 17:08:07  阅读:273+ 来源:自媒体 作者:留学生新鲜事儿

原标题: 改动essay写作思想才是真实的提分法宝



可是,改进了词汇单一的问题,<a href="http://mendation for a graduate program.And even if they had the time to provide these services,many colleges don’t provide their adjuncts with office space,so they meet with their pupils in coffee shops or at library desks.Olson for her part said that in the past she’s had to meet with students by the trunk of her car,where she kept all her books and papers as she commuted between different college campuses.Without formal meeting spaces,students may find it difficult to locate their professors when they need assistance on their classwork.

在这篇文章,作者争辩聘任兼职教授的做法终究危害学生的利益。在上面这一段,尽管没有呈现good,bad等字眼,可是咱们读到最终一句“Without formal meeting spaces,students may find it difficult to locate their professors when they need assistance on their classwork”会得出hiring adjunct professors is bad for students的定论—由于兼职教授没有自己的办公室,许多学生难以在课后得到教授及时的协助。也就是说,当你在写作的时分把理由解说清楚,读者天然能作出good or bad的判别。


例如这个语句:Investment in libraries would expose students to the most cutting edge researches in their fields,which is eventually good for their academic development.

这个语句犯了乱用which从句的过错,能够直接后半句删去,由于前半句现已理由十分充沛,读者现已能够自行得出investing in libraries is good for academics的定论。删掉后半句可提高言语简洁性,让教师看出学生在写语句和证明的沉着和自傲。

