

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-09-25 18:27:11  阅读:8518+ 来源:自媒体 作者:飞向未来



Ningxia University

宁夏大学(Ningxia University),简称“宁大”(NXU),坐落于宁夏回族自治区首府银川市,是中华人民共和国教育部与宁夏回族自治区人民政府部省协作共建高校,为国家国际一流学科建设高校、211工程重点建设高校、中西部高校归纳实力提高工程高校,当选杰出工程师教育培养方案、杰出农林人才教育培养方案、国家大学生立异性试验方案、国家级新工科研讨与实践项目、国家大学生文明素质教育基地、教育部来华留学演示基地、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接纳院校,是“一省一校”国家重点建设大学联盟(Z14)成员,教育部第一批同意接纳外国留学生的高校。


Songs in the West: Ningxia University purchases ZKF-1 vacuum sealing machine

Ningxia University

Ningxia University (Ningxia University), referred to as “Ningda” (NXU), is located in Yinchuan City, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is the cooperation between the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to build a university and build a world-class discipline for the country. Universities, 211 projects, key universities, and universities in the central and western universities, comprehensive strength upgrading engineering colleges, selected for outstanding engineer education training program, excellent agricultural and forestry personnel education training program, national university students innovative experimental program, national new engineering research and practice project, national university student culture The Quality Education base, the Ministry of Education's Study Abroad Demonstration base in China, and the Chinese Government Scholarship for International Students Receiving Colleges and Universities are members of the “One Province, One School” National Key Construction University Alliance (Z14), and the Ministry of Education approved the first batch of universities to accept foreign students.

Ningxia University has purchased ZKF-1 quartz vacuum tube sealing machine. In the school experiment, it will encounter many samples of how to package powder materials and small materials. However, for the safety of the package and the experimental effect, Ningxia University purchased the ZKF-1 quartz vacuum tube sealing machine, which guarantees the safety of students and the efficiency of the experiment.

