

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-09-23 11:23:42  阅读:4901+ 来源:自媒体 作者:天学网








1. What will the man probably do?

A. Attend a meeting.

B. Give Craig a call.

C. Wait in the office.

2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers.

B. Co-workers.

C. Schoolmates.

3. What is David doing this year?

A. Traveling around the world.

B. Teaching Chinese at school.

C. Learning a foreign language.

4. How does the man want to travel?

A. By car.

B. By train.

C. By plane.

5. What is the woman going to do tomorrow evening?

A. Visit Bob at his home.

B. Go shopping with Bob.

C. Expect a call from Bob.




6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. On the train.

B. At the ticket office.

C. At the information desk.

7. What time is the train going to arrive in Sydney?

A. At 2:00.

B. At 9:28.

C. At 11:34.


8. Where are the speakers?

A. In Manchester.

B. In Milan.

C. In Florence.

9. What is Martha doing?

A. Having a holiday.

B. Entertaining a friend.

C. Traveling>10. What does Roger do?

A. He’s a train driver.

B. He’s a shop manager.

C. He’s a hotel receptionist.


11. Who are the speakers?

A. A doctor and a patient.

B. A teacher and a student.

C. A salesman and a customer.

12. What is probably the cause of the man’s problems?

A. He often overeats.

B. He works too hard.

C. He smokes heavily.

13. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Stop working and go>B. Give up smoking as soon as possible.

C. Change his diet and get some exercise.


14. Why does Kevin say life>

A. It’s very simple.

B. It’s quite exciting.

C. It’s rather hopeless.

15. What is the school>

A. It has no teachers.

B. It has small classes.

C. It has fifty students.

16. What will the people>

A. They go to the mainland.

B. They visit the local hospital.

C. They ask the visitors for help.


17. To whom is the speaker talking?

A. New employees.

B. Foreign tourists.

C. International students.

18. What are girls advised to do in a café?

A. Take care of their bags.

B. Don’t talk to strangers.

C. Leave the place quickly.

19. What is the best place to park a car?

A. Beside a house.

B. On a quiet road.

C. In a public car park.

20. What should>

A. Stop a police car for help.

B. Walk in well-lighted areas.

C. Take a knife for self-defense.



6-10 CCBAB

11-15 ABCAB

16-20 ACACB






值得留意的是,对说话布景和人物联系/身份的揣度是每次考试的必考内容,此次有2道题触及地址揣度,3道题触及说话者的联系和身份的揣度。Text 2是陌生人之间的问寒问暖,Text 7是两个老朋友的偶遇。两段对话各自的用词和口气天壤之别。再次提示咱们,学习言语,要依据不同的外交场合、目标、时刻、地址和情境,运用得当的言语方式,从而使外交得当有用。别的,正确选项很多运用同义转述,提示咱们留意言语的多样化表达和言语的灵敏转化。


Text 1 找人;32词

M: Susan, is Craig in the office? I must ask him about these numbers today.

W: Oh, he is out for a meeting. But you can reach him>1. What will the man probably do?

A. Attend a meeting.

B. Give Craig a call.

C. Wait in the office.

【解析】推理判断题。依据女士的话“But you can reach him>【指点】女士所说的reach him>

Text 2 初次碰头;41词

M: Nice to meet you. Where do you work, if I may ask?

W: Oh, I work at the University of San Diego.

M: I’m from Saint Louis. How’s the weather in San Diego?

W: It’s warm most of the time.

2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers.

B. Co-workers.

C. Schoolmates.

【解析】推理判断题。依据男人的话“Nice to meet you. Where do you work, if I may ask?”以及下文可推知,两边闲谈口气均比较谦让,应是第一次碰头,故选A。

Text 3 教中文;42词

W: David, are you still teaching Chinese?

M: Yes, and I have an especially interesting class this year. I have eighteen students from different countries.

W: How are they doing?

M: Very well. They are learning a lot, and so am I.

3. What is David doing this year?

A. Traveling around the world.

B. Teaching Chinese at school.

C. Learning a foreign language.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“David, are you still teaching Chinese?”和男人的答复“Yes, and I have an especially interesting class this year.”可知,男人(David)本年仍在校园教中文,故选B。

Text 4 休假方案;45词

M: Where shall we go>W: Why don’t we take a train down to the seaside? Or we could borrow my dad’s car.

M: Going to the seaside is a great idea, but I’d like to fly there to save time.

4. How does the man want to travel?

A. By car.

B. By train.

C. By plane.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“but I’d like to fly there to save time.”可知,男人倾向于乘飞机游览以节省时刻,故选C。

【指点】fly there同义转述为by plane。

Text 5 访问朋友;35词

W: Bob, can I come to see you at your home tomorrow evening?

M: Sure, but Vicky and I have decided to go shopping tomorrow afternoon. So, call me before you come. Okay?

W: Alright.

5. What is the woman going to do tomorrow evening?

A. Visit Bob at his home.

B. Go shopping with Bob.

C. Expect a call from Bob.

【解析】推理判断题。依据女士的话“Bob, can I come to see you at your home tomorrow evening?”及男人的答复“So, call me before you come. Okay?”可推知,女士明日晚上将去男人(Bob)家访问,故选A。

Text 6 火车信息;74词

W: Excuse me, sir. Do I take the train for Sydney there?

M: Uh…when does it leave?

W: At 9:28. Here’s my ticket.

M: Oh, let me have a look. Um…yes. Platform Two.

W: Thank you. By the way, what time does it reach Sydney?

M: You should be there at 11:34.

W: Must I change?

M: No. It’s a through train.

W: Thank you.

M: You’re welcome. Have a nice trip.

6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. On the train.

B. At the ticket office.

C. At the information desk.


7. What time is the train going to arrive in Sydney?

A. At 2:00.

B. At 9:28.

C. At 11:34.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“By the way, what time does it reach Sydney?”和男人的答复“You should be there at 11:34.”可知,火车将在11:34抵达悉尼,故选C。

【要点词句】through train 直达列车

Text 7 米兰偶遇;134词

M: Martha!

W: Roger!

M: What are you doing here? You live in Manchester, don’t you?

W: Yes, that’s right. I do. But I’m having a week’s holiday here.

M: What?! Here in Milan?

W: Yes. I’m visiting a friend. What about you? What are you doing here? Having a holiday as well?

M: No, not me. I’m working. I’m looking for some new shoe designs for the shop.

W: Oh yes. You are the manager of the shoe shop now, aren’t you?

M: Yes, that’s right. And it’s doing quite well.

W: Which hotel are you staying at, by the way?

M: Well, I’m not staying in Milan anymore. I’m catching the train to Florence in half an hour. In fact I must go now. Have a nice holiday.

W: Thanks. Bye Roger.

8. Where are the speakers?

A. In Manchester.

B. In Milan.

C. In Florence.

【解析】推理判断题。依据女士的话“But I’m having a week’s holiday here.”和男人的话“What?! Here in Milan?”可知,说话者在米兰,故选B。


9. What is Martha doing?

A. Having a holiday.

B. Entertaining a friend.

C. Traveling>【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“I’m having a week’s holiday here.”可知,她(Martha)正在休假,故选A。

【指点】本题的B项有很大的搅扰性。文中说到的“visiting a friend”简单让学生误选B。

10. What does Roger do?

A. He’s a train driver.

B. He’s a shop manager.

C. He’s a hotel receptionist.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“You are the manager of the shoe shop now, aren’t you?”和男人的话“Yes, that’s right.”可知,男人是一家鞋店的司理,故选B。

Text 8 治病;196词

W: How can I help you, Mr. Daniels?

M: Well, I started having headaches a couple of weeks ago and they’re getting worse. I can’t sleep properly. I feel tired all the time. And the worst thing is my hair is going grey and I’m>W: I see. Let me ask you some questions. Do you smoke?

M: No. I gave up a month ago.

W: Right. I see you’re a salesman. How many hours a week do you work?

M: Normally, I do eight hours a day. But at the moment I’m working at least 10 hours and some Saturdays.

W: That’s a lot. What do you do when you want to have a rest?

M: Well, I usually sit in front of the TV with a sandwich and a few beers.

W: Hmm. Do you do any exercise at the moment?

M: Not really. But I’m losing a lot of weight and I don’t know why.

W: I think you are suffering from overwork. I want you to eat a wider variety of food and do some exercise. Come back and see me in four weeks and I’ll give you a check-up.

11. Who are the speakers?

A. A doctor and a patient.

B. A teacher and a student.

C. A salesman and a customer.

【解析】推理判断题。依据女士的话“Come back and see me in four weeks and I’ll give you a check-up.”以及男人关于自己健康状况的描绘可知,女士是医师,正在问询男人的病况,故选A。

12. What is probably the cause of the man’s problems?

A. He often overeats.

B. He works too hard.

C. He smokes heavily.

【解析】推理判断题。依据男人的话“But at the moment I’m working at least 10 hours and some Saturdays.”以及女士的话“I think you are suffering from overwork.”可知,男人近来作业很辛苦,所以很可能是因而才导致很累且睡欠好等一系列问题的,故选B。

【指点】overwork同义转述为work too hard。

13. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Stop working and go>B. Give up smoking as soon as possible.

C. Change his diet and get some exercise.

【解析】现实细节题。依据女士的话“I want you to eat a wider variety of food and do some exercise.”可知,女士期望男人可以改进饮食而且加强锻炼,故选C。

【指点】eat a wider variety of food同义转述为change his diet。

Text 9 小岛简介;181词

W: Good evening. In today’s program we’ll learn about a small island off the coast of Maine from the people living>

M: Well, life>W: Where do children go to school?

M: We have a school where the students have small classes, five or six students with a teacher in a class. Each child is well cared for.

W: Where do you get medical care?

M: There are no medical services>14. Why does Kevin say life>

A. It’s very simple.

B. It’s quite exciting.

C. It’s rather hopeless.

【解析】推理判断题。依据男人的话“There are no movie theatres, clothing stores or restaurants. What we do have is the most beautiful, peaceful island anyone could wish for. There are about fifty people living>15. What is the school>A. It has no teachers.

B. It has small classes.

C. It has fifty students.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“We have a school where the students have small classes, five or six students with a teacher in a class.”可知,小岛上校园里边的班级很小,学生人数也很少,故选B。

16. What will the people>A. They go to the mainland.

B. They visit the local hospital.

C. They ask the visitors for help.

【解析】现实细节题。依据男人的话“We take care of ourselves and each other to the best of our abilities, and head to the mainland for medical attention.”可知,小岛上的人们会到大陆去寻求医疗协助,故选A。原文中的“head to”在选项中转述为“go to”。

【要点词句】What we do have is the most beautiful, peaceful island anyone could wish for.




①We have a school where the students have small classes, five or six students with a teacher in a class.

②We take care of ourselves and each other to the best of our abilities, and head to the mainland for medical attention.

③Visitors are expected to keep themselves healthy and bring with them enough medicine during their stay>

Text 10 安全提示;213词

M: Hello everybody. My name is David Anderson. I’m glad to be invited by the International Student Centre to give you a talk>近几年在海外的我国留学生频频发作安全事故,本段独白从这一社会热门动身,以讲演的方式提示学生集体应增强安全防备认识。这也是对新课标中人与社会主题语境下社会热门问题的浸透。

17. To whom is the speaker talking?

A. New employees.

B. Foreign tourists.

C. International students.

【解析】推理判断题。依据独白中“I’m glad to be invited by the International Student Centre to give you a talk>”可知,说话者被世界学生中心约请去做讲演,由此可揣度说话者的讲演目标是留学生,故选C。

18. What are girls advised to do in a café?

A. Take care of their bags.

B. Don’t talk to strangers.

C. Leave the place quickly.

【解析】现实细节题。依据独白中“make sure that your bag is where you can keep an eye>”可知,女孩们在咖啡馆中应该把自己的包放在视野范围内,即照看好自己的包,故选A。

【要点词句】keep an eye>【指点】keep an eye>19. What is the best place to park a car?

A. Beside a house.

B. On a quiet road.

C. In a public car park.

【解析】现实细节题。依据独白中“if you drive, park in a public car park, or at least in a well-lighted area…”可知,合适泊车的当地应该是公共泊车场或许光线较亮的当地,故选C。

20. What should>

A. Stop a police car for help.

B. Walk in well-lighted areas.

C. Take a knife for self-defense.

【解析】现实细节题。依据独白中“if you have to walk home alone late at night, stick to well-lighted areas”可知,单独走夜路的时分应沿着光线较亮的当地走,故选B。

【要点词句】stick to 紧跟

well-lighted 光线足够的

keep well clear of 远离

self-defense 自卫


