

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-09-08 18:26:27  阅读:9165+ 来源:自媒体 作者:小学大阅读






/kliːn/ / v.(把……)弄洁净

She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓清扫洁净。)


/hɑːd/ / adv.费劲地;吃力地

It''s hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.(在大风波中为船只引航是很困难的。)


/lɜːn/ / v.学习;学会

I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)

·New South Wales

/ n.新南威尔士州

Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.(悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府。)


/suːn/ / adv.不久,很快

She was soon disillusioned.(她的愿望不久就幻灭了。)

·summer holiday

/ 暑假

This summer holiday was over.(这个暑假完毕了。)


/teɪk/ / v.摄影

Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)

·take photos

/ 摄影

You can take photos here.(你能够在这儿照相。)


/taɪm/ / n.一段时间;某段日子

What time is it?(几点了?)

·the UK

/ n.英国

I''m from the Uk.(我来自英国。)


/ʌm''brelə/ / n.伞;雨伞

Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)


/huːz/ / pron.谁的

Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)


/wɜːk/ / n.作业,劳作

I love my job,so I work very hard.(我酷爱我的作业,所以我作业很尽力。)


/ˈbju:tɪfl/ / adj.美丽的,夸姣的

She is such a beautiful lady.(她是一位如此美丽的女士。)



/bəʊθ/ / det.两者,两个都

Both sides have benefited from the talks.(两边都从商洽中获益。)


/tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/ / v.改动;转化

We cannot change the past.(咱们无法改动曩昔。)

·come in

/ 进来

May I come in?(我能够进来吗?)

·come on

/ 快点

Come on. Play with me.(来吧。和我一同玩。)


/kʊk/ / v.&n.煮,烧;厨师

I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)


/''kʌz(ə)n/ / n.堂[表]兄弟;堂[表]姐妹

I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)


/''dɒktə/ / n.医师,大夫

I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来成为一名医师。)


/''draɪvə/ / n.司机,驾驶员

The driver got out of his van.(司机从卡车上下来。)


/ˈfæməlɪ/ / n.家庭

To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的中心。)


/fæn''tæstɪk/ / adj.太好了;极好的

The moon looks fantastic tonight.(今晚月亮看起来很美。)


/''fɑːmə/ / n.农人

The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长期辛苦耕耘今后歇息了一瞬间。)


/''græn(d)fɑːðə/ / n.祖父;外祖父

His grandfather was a professor.(他的祖父曾是一名教授。)


/''græn(d)mʌðə/ / n.祖母;外祖母

Grandmother is getting along and doesn''t hear too well any more.(祖母上年纪了,耳朵现已听不清了。)


/''græn(d)peər(ə)nt/ / n.祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母

Tammy was raised by her grandparents.(塔米是爷爷奶奶抚养大的。)


/''grænɪ/ / n.[非正式]奶奶;外婆

Granny travelled down by train.(奶奶是乘火车过来的。)


/ɪntrə''djuːs/ / v.介绍,引见

Let me introduce myself.(我来自我介绍一下。)

·Little Red Riding Hood

/ 小红帽

In the forest, a wolf sees little red riding hood.(森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。)


/''membə/ / n.成员

I am a member of the board of directors.(我是董事会成员。)


/nɜːs/ / n.护理

I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护理。)


/fəʊn/ / v.(给……)打电话

Can I use your phone?(我能用一下你的电话吗?)


/pə''liːs/ / n.差人

Police marksmen opened fire.(差人中的神枪手开了火。)


/''prɒbləm/ / n.问题,难题

We have a slight problem.(咱们有一个小小的问题。)


/rəʊl/ / n.人物

What was the role you loved the best?(你最喜爱哪一个人物?)

·run away

/ 逃跑

When he tried to run away, I got him by the neck.(当他想逃跑时,我一把将他抓住。)


/siːn/ / n.[戏剧中的]一场

They are shooting the last scene now.(他们现在摄影最终一场。)


/''tæksɪ/ / n.出租车

I hurried away to hail a taxi.(我赶忙去叫出租车。)


/ðiːz/ / pron.这些

I''m going to eat all of these.(我要悉数吃完这些!)

·walk off

/ 脱离

I just sat there watching her walk off.(我坐在那儿看着她脱离。)


/wudz/ / n.[常复]小树林,林地

Without a compass, it is easy to lose one''s bearings in the woods.(在森林中没有指南针是简单迷失方向的。)


/wɜːd/ / n.字,词,单词

The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)


/''wɜːkə/ / n.工人

The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好作业了。)



/ˈɔ:lweɪz/ / adv.总是,每次都

This store is always open.(这家商铺一向经营。)


/bænd/ / n.圈,箍,带

Whose hair band is this?(这条发带是谁的?)


/bɪ''kɒz/ / conj.由于

I was sad because I was ill.(我很伤心,由于我病了。)


/bel/ / n.铃

Ring the bell to see if they''re in.(按按门铃,看他们在不在家。)


/brɪŋ/ / v.带来

The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)


/kuːl/ / adj.镇定的,冷静的

It''s cool and windy.(气候凉快多风。)


/''dɑːlɪŋ/ / n.亲爱的,宝贝儿

Yes, of course, my darling.(是,当然了,亲爱的。)


/''dɒlə/ / n.元[美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的钱银单位]

My mother gives me one dollar a week.(我妈一个礼拜给我一美元。)


/''iːzɪ/ / adj.不忧虑的;不严重的

This is not an easy task.(这不是件简单的差事。)


/''evrɪweə/ / n.&adv.在各个当地;处处

Dust is everywhere.(处处都是尘土。)


/''fren(d)ʃɪp/ / n.友谊

I value friendship.(我垂青友谊。)


/hɜːt/ / v.弄伤;感到痛苦

My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)


/lʌk/ / n.好运,走运

Good luck! I hope you are right.(祝你好运!我期望你是对的。)


/ˈmæskət/ / n.吉祥物

The team''s mascot is a giant swan.(这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。)


/ˈneklɪs/ / n.项圈

She bought a necklace of crystals.(她买了一个水晶项圈。)


/əˈlɪmpɪk/ / adj.奥运会的

Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.(悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热心。)


/''pɒpjʊlə/ / adj.受欢迎的

The teacher is very popular among the students.(王老师很受学生欢迎呢。)

·Puma Ranch

/ 美洲狮大草场

He came into possession of a large Puma Ranch.(他承继了一个美洲狮大草场。)


/rɪŋ/ / n.戒指

He heard the school bell ring.(他听见校园的铃声响了。)


/ʃel/ / n.贝壳

We collected shells on the beach.(咱们在海滩拾贝壳。)


/''sɪlvə/ / adj.银制的;银(白)色的

Silver overlay is bonded to the entire surface.(整个外表都镀了一层银。)

·soft toy

/ 毛绒玩具

Here''s a soft toy for you.(给你一个毛绒玩具。)


/test/ / n.检验,测验

The student is taking an English test.(这个学生正在进行英语测验。)

·watch out

/ 当心

Watch out! he hollered.(当心!他大叫道。)



/''ɑːnsə/ / n.答案

This is a tricky one to answer.(这是个难以答复的问题。)


/''æθliːt/ / n.运动员

I was no athlete.(我底子不是当运动员的料。)


/kə''lekt/ / v.搜集,搜集

I collect shells and interesting seaside items.(我搜集贝壳和海滨风趣的小玩意儿。)


/''saɪklɪst/ / n.骑自行[脚踏]车者

The cyclist turned off the highway onto a side road.(自行车下了公路岔上了小道。)


/end/ / v.(使)完毕;(使)中止

The summer came to an end.(夏天完毕了。)


/gəʊ/ / v.开端(做某事)

Where do you want to do,child?(你要去哪里?)


/''kɪlə,miːtə; kɪ''lɒmɪtə/ / n.千米,公里

One kilometre is equivalent to two li.(1公里为2华里。)

·opera house

/ 歌剧院

The following year she joined the Royal Opera House.(次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。)


/''kwɔːtə/ / n.一刻钟,十五分钟

I''ve got to go in a quarter of an hour.(一刻钟今后我就得走了。)


/seɪ/ / v.说

Why do you have to say it so loudly?(你为啥要说这么大声?)


/''speʃ(ə)l/ / adj.特别的,特别的

The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival.(端午节是我国的一个特别节日。)


/spɒt/ / n.(圆)点,斑驳

Spots of rain had begun to fall.(雨点开端落下来了。)


/stæmp/ / n.邮票

Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.(集邮是一种遍及的业余爱好。)


/tel/ / v.告知

Would you like to tell me what happened?(能告知我发作了什么事吗?)


/taɪm/ / n.次,回

What time is it?(几点了?)


/tɒp/ / adj.最佳的,最好的

He was happy to finally make it to the top.(爬到山顶,他非常高兴。)


/treɪn/ / n.火车,列车

The train pulled into a station.(列车驶入了一个车站。)


/jɔːz; jʊəz/ / pron.您真诚的[用于信函的结束]

Are these all yours?(这些都是你的吗?)


/''ɔːtəgrɑːf/ / n.[名人的]亲笔签名

Could I have your autograph?(我能请你签个名吗?)


/''kɒmɪk/ / n.连环漫画

His comic actions often make us laugh.(他诙谐的动作常常使咱们大笑。)


/''iːmeɪl/ / n.电子邮件

I''ll email her the documents.(我将用电邮把这些文件发送给她。)


/fə(r); strong form fɔ:(r)/ / prep.为了要;为了得到

Here''s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)


/gɒn/ / v.走了;不见了

The playing cards had gone missing.(扑克牌不见了。)


/hæt/ / n.帽子

Several styles of hat were available.(帽子有几种样式。)


/''pəʊs(t)kɑːd/ / n.明信片

Send your answers on the back of a postcard.(将答案写在明信片反面寄出。)


/''stɪkə/ / n.贴纸

I am a sticker collector.(我是一个贴纸收藏家。)


/teɪk/ / v.承受

Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)


/θiːf/ / n.小偷,贼

The police pounced upon the thief.(差人向小偷扑了曩昔。)



/''ɔːlsəʊ/ / adv.并且,还

He''s also eating an apple.(他也正在吃苹果。)


/''brəʊk(ə)n/ / adj.破的;破碎的

The vase has broken into pieces.(花瓶破碎了。)


/bʊʃ/ / n.灌木

Trees and bushes grew down to the water''s edge.(树和灌木丛一向长到了水边。)


/baɪ/ / v.买

You can buy gift over the internet.(你能够在网上购买礼物。)


/''kændɪ/ / n.糖块

I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜爱吃各种糖块。)

·chewing gum

/ 口香糖

One girl was chewing gum.(一个女孩在嚼口香糖。)


/''flaʊə/ / n.花

I like flowers.(我喜爱花。)


/''gɑːd(ə)n/ / n.花园

Let''s go to the garden.(咱们去花园吧。)


/''hæp(ə)n/ / v.发作

This is never to happen again.(再也不会发作这样的事了。)


/haɪd/ / v.躲藏

We must hide away.(咱们得躲藏。)


/pɑːs/ / v.传(球)

Pass him the ball.(把球传给他。)


/pɪk/ / v.捡起,拿起

Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)


/plʌm/ / n.李子,梅子

The plum season is about to begin.(快到吃李子的时节了。)


/ʃæl; ʃ(ə)l/ / aux.即将

Shall we dance together?(咱们一同跳个舞吧?)


/tɪl/ / prep.直到

He didn''t realize that he was wrong up till the present moment.(到目前为止他还没认识到他错了。)


/weɪt/ / v.等候,等候

The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛有必要等候猎物被它的蛛网困住。)


/wiːkˈɛnd/ / n.周末

I went home at the weekend.(我周末回家了。)


/ɔːl''raɪt/ / adv.好吧

Alright, you are done!(好吧,你做了!)


/ə''raʊnd/ / prep.处处,四处

You can fly around the world.(你能够绕着国际飞一圈。)


/kɑː''tuːn/ / n.卡通(片),动画片

A cartoon combines art and humor.(漫画结合了艺术和诙谐。)


/''kɑːs(ə)l/ / n.城堡,堡垒

The castle lies on a hilltop.(这个城堡座落在山顶上。)


/daʊn/ / adj.处在更低的当地[方位](的)

I followed her down the stair.(我跟着她下了楼梯。)


/driːm/ / n.&v.梦;做梦,梦见

I had a dream about a fish last night.(我梦到了一条鱼。)


/dʌst/ / n.尘土,尘土

Dust floats in the air.(尘土飘浮在空中。)


/,di:vi:''di/ / abbr.数字影碟

Is it available on DVD yet?(这个现在有DVD版了吗?)

·fast asleep

/ 熟睡的,熟睡的

They were both fast asleep in their cots.(他们俩在婴儿床上熟睡着。)


/fɪlm/ / n.电影,影片

I must go and see this film.(我一定要去看这部电影。)


/''fʌnɪ/ / adj.风趣的

It was so funny that the icon cried with laughter.((这个笑话)太好笑了,表情都笑出眼泪了。)


/gəʊst/ / n.鬼

Do you believe in ghosts?(你信任有鬼吗?)

·Hurry up!

/ 快点!

Hey, hurry up!(嘿!快走吧!)

·just a minute

/ 请稍等

Hey, just a minute!(嗨,等一下!)


/kiː/ / n.钥匙

They put the key in the door and entered.(他们用钥匙翻开门进去了。)


/ˈlɪtl/ / adj.幼小的

You''ve had chess on the brain since you were little.(你从很小的时分就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。)


/lɒk/ / n.锁

The key has stuck in the lock.(钥匙卡在锁里了。)


/ˈəʊpən/ / adj.开着的,翻开的

He opened the window and looked out.(他翻开窗户往外看。)


/pɑːθ/ / n.小径,小道

We followed the path along the clifftops.(咱们沿着山崖顶上的小路走。)


/pɒnd/ / n.池塘

The pond is home to a frog and a duck.(池塘是青蛙和鸭子的家。)


/prɪns/ / n.王子

To begin with he was Prince Charming.(首要,他是一个白马王子。)


/ˈkwɪkli/ / adv.快速地

I run very quickly.(我跑步很快。)

·right now

/ 当即,立刻

I''m leaving right now.(我这就走。)


/sliːp/ / n.睡觉

Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一瞬间。)


/ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ / adv.有时,间或

sometimes it snows,and sometimes it rains.(有时分下雪,有时分下雨。)


/tɔːk/ / v.说话,攀谈

The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)


/ˈtrævl/ / v.游览

I want to travel.(我想去游览。)


/zuː/ / n.动物园

She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)

《外研剑桥Join in版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创收拾并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练供给规范的发音,详实的释义,恰当的例句,助力我们学好英语。

